Our mission is to support local food sovereignty in the City of Detroit by nourishing the soil of a neighborhood plot of land and cultivating an Urban Market Garden that will provide unique and inspiring food crops. We will be using this garden as an off-grid, urban subsistence study as we implement succession planning methodologies that support less labor for the farmer and optimal yield. We are keeping detailed records of the growing season to share with Keep Growing Detroit and the urban farming community.

Mariko, tending to some Corbaci Peppers in last year’s garden

“Fast rather than slow, more rather than less - this flashy "development" is linked directly to society's impending collapse. It has only served to separate man from nature. Humanity must stop indulging the desire for material possessions and personal gain and move instead toward spiritual awareness.
Agriculture must change from large mechanical operations to small farms attached only to life itself. Material life and diet should be given a simple place. If this is done, work becomes pleasant, and spiritual breathing space becomes plentiful.”

Masanobu Fukuoka, The One-Straw Revolution

We are expanding our garden and offering weekly garden produce subscriptions following a CSA (community-supported agriculture) model.